“The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. If you foolishly ignore beauty, you will soon find yourself without it. Your life will be impoverished. But if you invest in beauty, it will remain with you all the days of your life.” Frank Lloyd Wright I was honored and humbled to be included among many […]
Aesthetic physicians received a fax from Merz Pharmaceuticals late Friday afternoon informing them that they will not be allowed to promote Merz facial fillers Radiesse and Belotero and its neuromodulator Xeomin to their practices until further notice. Radiesse will still be available, but Xeomin will not, and the release of Belotero, a highly anticipated new […]
Pinocchio: Oh, look! My nose! What`s happened? The Blue Fairy: Perhaps you haven`t been telling the truth, Pinocchio. Jiminy Cricket: Perhaps? The Blue Fairy: A lie keeps growing and growing until it`s as plain as the nose on your face. Since early childhood we knew that when Pinocchio told a lie his nose would grow […]
Ulthera is beginning to get quite a bit of buzz. It was featured on Barbara Walters 20/20 show as well as The View last week. It is discussed in this month’s O (Oprah) Magazine and Good Housekeeping Magazine as well. You will be hearing a lot more about the one hour non-invasive office treatment that […]
Well, it’s not quite as socially significant as say the movie “Free Willy”, but the first 4 Persky Sunder Plastic Surgery blog readers to call our office will receive a free Dysport treatment if they can be at our Encino office on Wednesday February 29, 2012 (Happy Leap Year!) between 3 to 5 pm. Dysport […]
“At age 50, everyone has the face he deserves.” ~ George Orwell It may be true that at age 50 everyone has the face that they may deserve, but if you believe that you deserve better, come see us at Persky Sunder Plastic Surgery! 50% of Americans want and are willing to undergo treatments for […]
Long before they hear, “…and the winner is…” nominees at the 2012 84’th annual Academy Awards have been working on their appearance, getting a little buffing and puffing here and there. As this year’s host Mr. Billy Crystal has often said, ‘”When you look mah-vah-lous, you feel mah-vah-lous!” A surgical treatment such as Jane Fonda’s beautiful make […]
Long before they hear, “…and the winner is…” nominees at the 2012 84’th annual Academy Awards have been working on their appearance, getting a little buffing and puffing here and there. As this year’s host Mr. Billy Crystal has often said, ‘”When you look mah-vah-lous, you feel mah-vah-lous!” A surgical treatment such as Jane Fonda’s beautiful make […]
Fans of the revolutionary non-invasive fat reducing treatment CoolSculpting are multiplying by the day! If you have not yet heard of the treatment for unwanted bulges of fat (think…love handles, muffin tops, bra backs, and inner thighs) that are resistant to diet and exercise, you soon will. The Zeltiq stock has recently gone public with recommendations from […]