Fans of the revolutionary non-invasive fat reducing treatment CoolSculpting are multiplying by the day! If you have not yet heard of the treatment for unwanted bulges of fat (think…love handles, muffin tops, bra backs, and inner thighs) that are resistant to diet and exercise, you soon will. The Zeltiq stock has recently gone public with recommendations from […]
Recently the Orange County Register listed 12 trends for plastic surgery in 2012, and yours truly will add one more. My addition is that recent surveys have shown that a growing number of Americans are getting advice and information about facial plastic surgery from social networking sites rather than friends. Many of you now reading this […]
CoolSculpting by Zeltiq just released a commercial promoting their new ad campaign “Let’s Get Naked”. Affectionately referred to as “The Fat Machine” by the gals and guys at the poker game, CoolSculpting is safe and effective at reducing unwanted bulges of fat by 20-25% per treatment. “Love handles”, “muffin tops”, and “man boobs” respond well […]
“I Don’t Shine if You Don’t Shine” Lyrics from “Read My Mind” by The Killers The current issue of VOGUE Magazine (Feb 2012) features an article by Maura Egan about her speckled and freckled forty-ish sun damaged skin. After consulting with NYC dermatologists she underwent Fraxel Dual treatment (1550 nanometer and 1927 nanometer wavelength laser) on her […]
At Persky Sunder Plastic Surgery we want our patients to look good… even with the lights on, not just when they are dim or candle lit! Ultherapy (Ulthera; Scottsdale, Arizona), the use of micro-focused ultrasound energy to lift and tighten the skin and muscles of the neck, face, and eye brows has proven to be […]
Good Morning America featured a segment this morning on the increasing trend of men having Botox treatments, entitled “Bro-Tox“. Botox is the most popular aesthetic treatment in the world. In 2011, 300,000 U.S. men recieved Botox for facial wrinkles. According to the website,, “It seems that Botox is a popular treatment among the male […] has asked me to comment on what I, as a facial plastic surgeon, would do if Santa Claus were to show up at our office for a consultation. I have been so honored because “…Your sense of humor shines in some of your answers so we thought you’d be a great commentator for this.” First […]
About 25 years ago during a family dinner, my wife’s entrepreneurial grandfather slipped a note to me on a napkin, and in a “The Graduate” like “plastics!” moment whispered to me, here is the secret to advertising and getting people’s attention. Scribbled inside the folded white paper napkin was four words, “IMPROVE YOUR SEX LIFE”. I didn’t realize at the […]
Many celebrity web sites have postulated whether the incredibly talented Lady Gaga has had a rhinoplasty or not (see photos below). That is not where I am going with this short vignette. A few weeks ago at the end of a rhinoplasty I realized that the patient had a “Lady Gaga Rhinoplasty”. Pre-operatively the patient’s […]