Posted November 17, 2017 in KYBELLA®
In the past, the only methods to reduce excess submental fat were surgical procedures in an operating room under general anesthesia. Even today, some people opt for surgical procedures such as liposuction, direct fat excision, or face/neck lifting to achieve their facial aesthetic goals. However, these surgical options do involve surgical knives, extended recovery periods, and general anesthesia. Thankfully, the struggle to reduce chin fat can now be treated without surgery in properly selected patients. KYBELLA® is a non-surgical, FDA-approved injectable treatment for decreasing unwanted fat beneath the chin. Michael A. Persky, MD, was one of the first KYBELLA® treatment providers in the USA once KYBELLA® became FDA approved. With a series of KYBELLA® treatments, a person can destroy chin fat permanently!
Who Can Benefit From KYBELLA® Treatments?
Men and women who are in good health with realistic expectations are ideal candidates for KYBELLA® treatments. Patients interested in the possibility of KYBELLA® treatments should schedule a consultation with Dr. Persky to determine if it is the right procedure for their condition and anatomy. Dr. Persky and his staff will discuss your medical history, evaluate your facial anatomy, and listen to your specific aesthetic goals. Patients should let us know if they have had or currently have any medical conditions involving the face, neck, or chin, if they have had or have trouble swallowing, or if they have any bleeding problems. Depending on the severity of fat and skin beneath the chin, some patients may be better suited for a surgical procedure or a non-surgical skin tightening treatment such as Profound™ Lift, Ultherapy®, or Venus Freeze™.
How Does KYBELLA® Work?
KYBELLA® is a proprietary synthetic formation of calcium deoxycholate, a naturally forming substance found in the body used for the breakdown of dietary fat. It is a quick treatment taking only about 15 to 20 minutes to administer and is performed in an office setting. It may be undergone with or without local anesthetic depending on patient preference. Multiple injections are made strategically throughout the submental area (underneath the chin). Fat cells are broken down by the KYBELLA® solution and are eliminated safely and permanently by the lymphatic system. Though the KYBELLA® solution destroys the fat cells so they can no longer accumulate or store fat, patients must still maintain their diet and exercise because, unfortunately, the remaining fat cells are capable of growing bigger. Most patients will require two to four treatments spaced about one month apart to achieve optimal results. A maximum of six treatments can be performed. The number of injections and treatment sessions will depend on the patient and the severity of their submental fullness. Many patients will notice that not only do they achieve a significant reduction in chin fat, but they also have a beautifully defined chin, neck, and jawline profile. Dr. Persky combines his experience, skill, knowledge, and natural artistic vision to sculpt the submental area and eliminate the dreaded “double chin.”