Posted March 02, 2008 in Blog, Fraxel Laser Treatment, Uncategorized

After much due diligence, I am proud to announce that we are one of the first practices nationwide to offer the Fraxel re:pair laser, the most advanced skin rejuvenation treatment available on the market today. With the treatment patients receive smoother, tighter skin, reduced wrinkles and fine lines, improved tone and texture, and softening of deep frown lines, all in a single treatment–with minimal discomfort and just a few days of social downtime. I recommend Fraxel re:pair for patients who have deeper lines, loose sagging skin, acne scars, or surgical scars. The neck and jowls are the first areas that show signs of aging in 30 and 40 year olds. This treatment is a “pre-emptive strike” against wrinkles and aging, delaying the need for a surgical facelift. The clinical researchers have stated, “It doesn’t replace a facelift, but may get you to the point where you will never need one”. Patients in their 50’s and 60’s also greatly benefit from the rejuvenating effects of the treatment. As a result of 2 1/2 years of clinical testing on more than 500 patients, the treatment has received FDA approval. The treatment is very safe, effective, and quick(taking as little as 15 minutes to treat the entire face, 30 minutes for the face and neck).
There have been no reports of hypopigmentation (lighter areas of skin seen with other lasers). With this tool, in my hands, I can now confidently offer my patients a nonsurgical compliment that will keep them looking younger and their “natural” best. You can learn more about the treatment by calling our office. I will be happy to personally to speak to you and answer any questions that you may have. You may also want to visit to see video of the Today Show feature and other articles regarding the treatment.