Best Millennial Facial Aesthetic Treatment…I have severe nasolabial folds at 27, any suggestions? (Photos)
Actual RealSelf Patient Comment:
I’m 27F. Skin history: acne scars from skin picking/acne, use tret on and off since 18, have micro needled twice. TCA CROSS done once. I use lots of sunscreen bc I’m so pale. Is this is premature for my age? Is Ulthera an option? or would filler be more appropriate? Also, wondering if this issue looks like bone structure or if there could be a connective tissue issue? evidence attached. Any thoughts are appreciated!! Thanks in advance!!
Dr. Persky’s Reply: You have a very sweet smile, which is always the best form of plastic surgery! Just by turning the corners of your mouth upward changes the entire dynamic and appearance of your face. I would treat you with a combination of Sculptra injections and Ulthera which can both be performed at the same treatment session. I would also inject a small amount of Juvederm in the corners of your mouth to change “the sad to glad.” Make sure to choose your treating physician most carefully as results of the treatment will certainly vary depending on who is treating you. Good luck and be well, smile!