Can you advise on my treatment plan for Emsculpt on the buttocks?
RealSelf actual patient comment:
4 months ago, I received an initial treatment of 4 sessions in 2 weeks. I do strength training twice a week. If I were to buy another 4 sessions, would I see better results from spreading those sessions once every month or doing another series of 4 sessions within 2 weeks? Is there a plateau of increased muscle mass after doing the initial 4 sessions or can you continue to see subsequent increased muscle mass in doing another full set in several months?
A.There have not been any studies or clinical research on which course is better after your initial Emsculpt treatment series. We usually see our patients back about 6 weeks after they have completed their initial treatment sessions for post treatment evaluation, photos, and a maintenance session. For those patients who wish to continue their treatments we prefer to space them a month or two apart. Good luck and be well.