How often for maintenance Sculptra? Can’t go by looks since you see yourself everyday.
RealSelf actual patient comment:
I know a good rule of thumb is one vial per decade, but that’s at first? I’m 35 and although I noticed fine lines and signs of aging, I didn’t realize it was volume loss. During a botox visit, I was offered a free Sculptra treatment to be a demo. They said I was a perfect candidate as I had volume loss around cheeks, temple and jaws. After a total of three vials spaced out accordingly, I couldn’t be happier. It was a mini face lift! So if I want to maintain, how often should I get a vial?
A.Great to hear that you are happy with your Sculptra treatment. It is thought that once a patient reaches “full correction” after their injections they may benefit from “maintenance” treatment about 2 to 4 years later. We are all unique so it is best to return to your physician for re-evaluation whenever you notice that you may be looking a little tired or that dreaded five letter word, saggy. Good luck and be well.