Is fascia for rhinoplasty safe & more natural & what are the complications?
Actual RealSelf Patient Comment: Hi I am planning on getting a bulbous nose reduction with defatting. The doctor recommend me to put silicone since in korea, it is common to put silicone but I don’t want any implants since I want my nose to look natural. The doctor however said, my nose will look flat and not as good without silicone but instead, he recommend me to get human fascia if I dont want silicone. Or cow dermis. I am hesitant about the cow dermis but is human fascia for the nose safe? Can move around is it better than silicone and more natural? And what are the complication
Dr. Persky’s Reply: In the hands of a rhinoplasty expert surgeon, fascia is safe and effective. I would recommend your own fascia which is easily harvested from your temple during your rhinoplasty surgery. Choose your surgeon most carefully. Good luck and be well.