RealSelf actual patient comment:

I suspect that I may have an internal nasal valve collapse, because sometimes I feel that my nasal wall skin sticks to the septum. I don’t know if there is a congestion but I subjectively feel like there is not enough space inside when I breathe in. Breathe right strips make my nose much bigger and solve these symptoms.There is also a visible retraction in the frontal view when the nostrils are flared.

A.Best to see a nose expert for in person examination. I have been able to help many patients with valve collapse with both non-surgical and surgical remedies. After physical examination I will be able to tell you your best course. If your inferior nasal turbinates are enlarged then non-surgical in-office under topical and local anesthesia radio-frequency volumetric tissue reduction (Somnoplasty)is extremely effective, safe, and easy. You can test yourself by spraying both nostrils with Afrin, waiting 15 minutes, and then inhaling and exhaling. If you are markedly improved thenSomnoplasty will help you without surgery, general anesthesia, and a trip to the operating room. If your anatomic valve collapse is the cause then correction of your valves with cartilaginous grafts taken from your nasal septum will help you. Most importantly, choose your treating physician most carefully. Good luck and be well.